Web Sites Encourage Don’t Buy, Rent

By Mario Armstrong and Renee Montagne, National Public Radio, December 21, 2009


“Renting a tuxedo or bowling shoes isn’t unusual. There are now consumer Web sites that offer Netflix-style services in which people can rent everything from movies to toys to clothing.”

This is a great concept but not really new. Please consider local rental businesses first… More on this subject soon.

www.RentTheRunway.com: “… rent a dress for an evening or an occasion or a holiday event, even a wedding.”

www.BabyPlays.com: “Instead of buying a bunch of toys for your young one that ends up outgrowing those toys, you just rent. You pay a monthly fee. You get a certain amount of toys shipped to you, and then you have those toys for a certain amount of time, and then you send them back.”


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