A fashion and beauty web site, Styleite is dedicated to giving readers the latest and greatest in fashion and beauty news, insight and commentary.  Recent topics range from The Return of Classic American StyleSudanese Models Arrested After Sharing A Mixed Runway and Leather Shorts: The Be All, End All Of Seasonal Dressing?

But this is the post that caught my associate’s attention or perhaps a fashion savvy friend of his: NYC To Pioneer Clothing Recycling Come September:

“There are two things an NYC resident can do with their unwanted clothes: put it in a garbage bag and drag it through the subways and streets of New York City to the nearest Goodwill, or just relieve themselves of the back-breaking task by chucking them into the garbage can. Unfortunately, most of us opt for the latter. There was never an easy alternative to conserve the constant cycle of fashion and trends for the big city — until now.

The Associated Press reported Friday on a solution — no, near miracle to our landfill-clogging vice. Starting in September,  New York City will launch one of the largest textile recycling initiatives in the nation…

… Officials say that if New York’s campaign is successful, it could lead to a nationwide movement to recycle clothing.”

I am sure there are many, many ways to recycle clothing in New York – as well as in Sonoma County. That important detail aside, any nationwide movement to expand clothing reuse and recycling is very welcome.


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